Wednesday, February 11, 2015

WIP Wednesday!

The whole place is trashed!  I normally try to keep my sewing stuff to the left side of the dining room table, but I just have so many things going that I've migrated to the right.  Family may not get a decent meal here until I leave for QuiltCon.

I've been sewing up some new clothes.  I know I don't really need any more, but it's kind of fun to make clothes where you'll be around people that will really get it.  And any excuse to buy fabric is a good excuse.

So far I've done one horrible muslin and scrapped that entire pattern.  Then I went back to the old standby, the Washi Dress.  One needs a hem, and one is finished.  I just have that Brambleberry Ridge fabric in the back there to go.  I'm thinking of adding some short sleeves to it, just so they aren't all complete duplicates.

And, I've thrown together a lanyard and a new business card holder.  I'm debating whether I should make a new bag for Con, or just reuse one of the many I've already made.  For now, I'll wait, but if I get the itch, I may end up elbows deep in interfacing in the middle of the night.

And when I'm not sewing these days, I've been working on this Corvallis Cardigan for my son.  He's pretty excited about it and keeps checking in on my progress, but I'm so BORED of it!  He just wanted a green sweater, so there's no stripes or color-changing yarn to keep me interested.  And I realized too late that I should have put something in, a cable or an interesting stitch, but I didn't.

I think at this point, I'm so close I just have to finish and remember for the next time.  I'm so close to the bottom ribbing and then it's just sleeves.  (Thank goodness this pattern has you knit the button band as you go, so that's one less step between me and finished!)

Linking up with Lee for WIP Wednesday and Lorna for Let's Bee Social!


  1. I think it is fabulous that you and others are making clothes for QuiltCon. That really isn't my specialty, and I look forward to seeing all the wonderful makes, wears, and bags that were so wonderfully handmade. :)

  2. You could put some colored bands on the arms, or do a cable down them, just to make it a little more exciting for you! I just finished my first cardigan for my 2.5 year old, and it was simple garter stitch (the Lottie on Ravelry), but I was so concentrated on not messing up the actual garment I was glad I didn't have anything extra to do!

  3. I know what you mean about getting bored with a knitting project. Luckily my mum loves the straight boring stufff and then hands it back to me for the intricate bits. Still it's always a good feeling at the end!

  4. How fun that you're making so many fabricy and fibery things for QuiltCon!


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